1. Providing ___________enrichment will reduce problem behaviors and increase learning and retention capacity.


2. When an animal always does the same, incorrect behavior each time it is presented with the cue, this might be an example of


3. The process of reinforcing a specific behavior over another in a specific situation is called


4. A ____________is an imaginary line that separates a situation where an animal is comfortable from a situation where that animal begins to show signs of discomfort.


5. Animals show a preference to work for their food if given a choice between taking it for nothing or foraging for it. "Why is working for food important? In the wild, 'working for food' is one of the most frequently found species-typical and time-consuming behaviors."  This describes?


6. A way to describe your audience best for a program is to think of their ______ instead of demographic and geographic descriptions.


7. A _____can influence duration and has a cue between each behavior.


8. An otter has been trained to hold its foot on the end of a target stick when the target stick is presented.  When the behavior has been completed the otter receives a fish.  While learning this behavior, the target was lightly tapped upon presentation to attract the otter. Next, the target stick was presented, and the tap was delayed by a few seconds.  Eventually only the target stick needed to be presented and the otter would hold the end of it with its foot.

The removal of the tapping target describes what training technique?


9. A non-releasable bear arrives to a facility from rehab.  The bear is healthy and in good body condition.  When a trainer approaches, the bear flees quickly and will not eat in front of the trainer.  The trainer begins to train by observing its body language.  When the trainer approaches and the bear remains calm, the trainer backs away.  He continues to get closer as the bear remains calm and backs away. Eventually he can approach the housing and the bear remains calm.  

The trainer backing up is the use of


10. A non-releasable bear arrives to a facility from re-hab.  The bear is healthy and in good body condition.  When a trainer approaches, the bear flees quickly and will not eat in front of the trainer.  The trainer begins to train by observing its body language.  When the trainer approaches and the bear remains calm, the trainer backs away.  He continues to get closer as the bear remains calm and backs away.  Eventually he can approach the housing and the bear remains calm.  

 What would be the best next option for training for the bear based on the proposed hierarchy of intervention strategies that considers distant and immediate antecedent arrangements?


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